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Group Finalizing Unique Best Practice Frameworks on PFAS, Climate, More. Four Workshops, held March to July 2024, featured spirited discussion on seminal Best Practice Approach Frameworks related to the intersection of natural resource damage assessment and Climate Change, PFAS and Other "Forever" Substances, Remediation at Superfund and other sites, and Emergency Response. The Frameworks and the Workshops both follow from Natural Resources Symposia convened by the Group, held 2021-23 in cooperation with The George Washington University Law School, the Environmental Law Institute, and others. See here for further background on these innovative and exciting work products to be made available soon to all stakeholders for site-specific use.

Published Articles on Topics Pertinent to the Group. "What's Happening with Management of Natural Resources?" published in the Environmental Law Reporter; "New Ways to Look at PFAS and Climate Issues: Innovative Best Practice Frameworks for Lawyers and Other Practitioners" published by the American Bar Association; "If coordination of remediation and restoration under CERCLA is such a good idea, why is it not practiced more widely" published in the Journal of Environmental Management

Ongoing Group Input to EU Emerging Policies - The Group has responded to the 2023 consultation on the Polluter Pays Principle and also submitted comments in response to the "Open public consultation on the evaluation of the Environmental Liability Directive (Directive 2004/35/CE)(ELD)" and continues to serve as an important resource in Europe to its Member Companies and partnering business/industry associations.

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Participate as a Member Company, an Affiliate Law or Consulting Firm, a Public or Private Sector Partner.

Who We Are – How We Are Different – Why You Should Be Part of What We Do

Comprised of major multi-national companies in a wide range of sectors, the Ad-Hoc Industry Natural Resource Management Group ("Group" for short), now in its 36th year, is singularly focused on the interface between Natural Resources and diverse industrial, energy, and transportation activities.

By “natural resources”, we mean air, water, land, species. By “activities”, we mean the full gamut of natural resource issues that can arise for companies in diverse sectors from preventive action to liability containment to resource restoration, conservation and optimization to biodiversity and sustainability.

We do not duplicate any other group.

Natural Resource Law and Policy Produces Opportunities

Natural Resources law, policy and practice in the US and worldwide is being transformed as we start 2024. Never before have there been so many ways to pursue innovative and collaborative solutions, enabling companies to address corporate-specific as well as societal-driven needs and very often partnering with others in doing so. Today, the increasing need to incorporate nature, sustainability and climate considerations requires companies to think creatively and proactively about how to manage these issues - and their operations - as the new way of doing business.

Our Member Companies are Ahead of the Game

The Group supports its companies, works to advance the state of the art and build a sound practice arena and collaborates with others, as appropriate, to meet common needs or objectives. In late 2023, the Group partnered with all the entities shown in this poster HERE in bringing lawyers, scientists, economists and others together from private and public sectors to discuss - in real time - the influences, needs and perspectives attendant to natural resource policies and practice and associated opportunities.