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Best Practice Approach Frameworks

The Ad-Hoc Industry natural Resource Management Group is pleased to share imminently with the multi-stakeholder community the document, "Best Practice Approach Frameworks in the Context of Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration: PFAS, Climate, Remediation/Restoration and Emergency Response/Restoration", which provides - for the first time - four topic-specific Best Practice Approach Frameworks. This resource is intended to aid practitioners working on natural resource damage assessment (NRDA), liability and restoration matters at specific cases and sites.

The document, prepared in collaboration with representatives of federal and state agencies, industry leaders, academic institutions, and professional organizations, offers Frameworks on four key issues: (1) per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); (2) Climate Change; (3) Remediation; and (4) Emergency Response and all are aimed at building consistency in practice as to how these issues can be considered in the context of NRDA and restoration at hazardous waste and oil spill sites.

For more information,contact us at info@nrdonline.org and our Press Release.